
Track, pay and shop better


Online shopping is fun and satisfying. But what about tracking your orders? Most of us like shopping and buying new things, but all of us wants to get our orders as quickly as possible. Tracking different orders from multiple e-shops can be hard and tedious.

Trackit is an all-in-one order tracking tool which helps tracing, managing and repeating orders. Reduce payment and shipping anxiety, by managing your orders with Trackit.


To understand the market, I conducted market research regarding online shopping.

Why do people shop online?

  • Consumers shop online for both goal-oriented and experiential reasons; in short, they shop to acquire items, and they shop to shop.
  • Online shopping facilitate goal-oriented online shopping, including accessibility/convenience, selection, information availability and lack of unwanted sociality from retail sales help.
  • Convenience and ease of use are the main reasons people buy at websites
  • Shoppers only buy 5% of the time they visit e-commerce sites
  • E-commerce is going international, with many users buying from foreign sites (this latter conclusion is less true for American customers who mainly buy from domestic sites, but it has profound implications for American vendors who can sell a lot overseas if they bother to serve international customers)

Problems people face while shopping online:

  • Unprofessional, dated design
  • Bad user experience
  • The lack of personalization
  • Missing or unclear product information
  • Missing or fake product reviews
  • Too complex check-out process
  • Payment failures (and uncertainty)
  • Lack of security and privacy
  • Additional charges
  • Poor tracking, and long delivery
  • Not having a flexible return policy
  • Lack of support and no live chat opportunity


User Research

User interviews

As part of the ideation phase, I conducted user interviews, in order to get a better understanding of the problem and to gather information on users' feelings, motivations and users routines.

I interviewed three users that I found amongst friends and that I already knew they shop online at least twice a month. The interviews were done remotely but moderated, and were recorded after having asked users' permission.

Guiding Questions:


  • Could you tell me more about you? What's your occupation?
  • How familiar are you with computers and the internet?

User behavior:

  • Do you shop online? If yes, how often?
  • Could you recall the last time you shopped online? Can you describe me your experience?
  • What was the most challenging part of this process? Is there something that would have done that experience better?
  • Is there something that you enjoy in the online shopping?

User goals:


  • What payment option do you usually prefer?
  • Do you feel safe while paying online?


  • How do you track online shopping?
  • Do you usually make multiple orders from different e-shops?
  • If yes, how was your experience? How did you track the orders?


  • Do you have some products that you buy recurrently?
  • How do you do that?

Get feedback on product:

  • Would you use a product that would gather all your orders and would allow you to track them and manage them via this app?


  • Is there something else that you believe I should know?


You can find the recordings for the user interviews in the following links:

Journey Mapping

Fig.1 Journey Mapping for Myra
Fig.1 Journey Mapping for George
Fig.1 Journey Mapping for Stavroula

Research Analysis


After having interviewed people that shop online and having identified what their actions, thoughts and feelings are, the fictional character of Anna is created, that encapsulates the basic characteristics of our target group. That way, we have Anna as a point of reference in the future decisions that we'll take. The solutions that we will find have to solve Anna's problems and respect her needs and goals.

Fig.4 User persona


Top 3 problems:

  • Tracking delivery services
  • Objects that people need to feel and touch can't be bought online (e.g. shoes, furniture, a sound system)
  • Some websites lack information or have bad user interface

Target customers:

People that shop online

Target customers:

A tool that works as an aggregator for the orders. It will include a list with the user's orders, and the user will be able to manage them, perform them again, pay and check the status of the delivery.

What people do now:

  • Track from email or user profile manually
  • Do not track
  • Use applications like:
    • My Orders
    • PocketSell
    • Route


Key activities to measure:

  • Increase the number of purchases
  • Increase the number of repeated orders
  • Retention: Do people still use the app after 3 months?

User flow

The user flow I created is the path taken on the app by a user who want to complete the most common tasks: manage an order, receive it and then repeat it. Collecting data on each step of the user flow will allow us to find where the users drop out between steps and where they might need help.


Usability testing

Before starting designing on Figma, I created a prototype and I did a quick usability testing in order to reveal possible usability problems. I tested the low-fidelity prototype with two people in-person.


Sign in with your email, go to the history of you orders, select the order from Etsy in November 2021 and repeat it. Add everything to cart without checking out. Go to the home screen and track the last order from Oysho. Remove it from the list.


  • The title "Order summary" doesn't match the menu title which is "Track order".
  • The options "Cancel order" and "Mark as delivered" is not applicable in completed orders.
  • The user didn't understand from the empty Home screen what the application was about.
  • The participant asked where he would find the tracking number - he got confused
  • "Mark as delivered" button is probably unnecessary, considering the fact that the application already know the order status.
  • About the cart:
    • The products should be selected, since a total price is shown
    • Select/unselect all checkbox is needed
    • Unavailable products shouldn't be selected
    • Menu bar should be added in the UI
    • If there is another merchant's product in the cart, it's confusing
  • The participant wanted more information about the order status (exact location)
  • Edit order is confusing - What do I edit? The products or the order?
  • The participant was looking for a home icon to go to homescreen - Pin isn't clear

Design decisions:

  • Rename the menu option to "Order summary" or omit it (?)
  • Remove "Cancel order" and "Mark as delivered" from completed orders.
  • Add more information and promotional messages in the Home Screen
  • Add more helping text in Edit order screen (about what tracking number or link is)
  • Make "Mark as delivered" button less prominent.
  • In the cart:
    • All the products should be selected by default and a general "unselect all" button should be added
    • Remove unavailable products
    • Add menu bar in cart
  • Add more information in the order status
  • Change pin icon or add wording

More wireframes:

After conducting the usability testing and having reached the design decisions, I performed the changes in the wireframes: Link to Whimsical


Figma link